Guilhermo Habacuc Vargas é o Duchamp do século XXI: conseguiu chocar e colocar meio mundo contra ele ao colocar um cão numa instalação, deixando-o morrer.
Bom, porque ninguém alimentou o cãozinho Natividad durante a exposição? A arte, pensaram, é intangível...Agora chovem pedras sobre Habacuc. Mas eu penso que, num tempo como o nosso, o protesto e a arte com gestos radicais é, muitas vezes, válida. I will not sign any petition.
To stop further misinformation - basic data about the "artist"
- His real name is Guillermo Vargas Jiménez, the "artist name" is Habacuc.
- [Update] Here are real life photos of the "artist", approved by Mr.Jaime Sancho and eyewitnesses from Latin America:
The photos originate from another of his nice exibitions (live pornography and prostitution via web-cam), which was btw. paid by the government of Spain, as a "cultural event".
- He was born in 1975 in San José, Costa Rica, is also not 50, but around 32 years old
- His major stand alone exhibitions: Graffiti Galería Cultura (2001); Expocisión # 1 Galeria Codice Managua, Nicaragua (2002); Exorcision, Jacob Karpio Galería, San José, Costa Rica (2002); Alfombra Roja [The Red Carpet]. 300kilos de tomates (2006).
- Collective exhibitions, were he was one of the participants: Cuidado Pinta o Des-construcciones Pictóricas, Museo De Arte Y Diseño Contemporáneo MACO, México, D.F. (2005); FIA, Festival Internacional de las Artes; San José, Costa Rica (2006); Nuevas tendencias del arte costaricense, Waschington DC, museo del BID (2007).
- His most recent exhibition took place in Washington DC from 24 May to 10 August 2007, here is the address of the gallery/cultural center:
- The prizes he received: 1 prize Bienarte 2005, San José, Costa Rica; 1 prize Bienarte 2007, San José, Costa Rica (after killing the dog several weeks before);
- He is the founder of the Galería Cultura, FECOU, San José, Costa Rica.
Inter-American Development Bank
1300 New York Avenue, N. W.
Washington, D.C. 20577
The homepage of this cultural center is:
The following works were displayed:
Composición y Foto No. 13 (Composition and
Photograph No. 13), 2007
acrylic and digital photography diptych
1.00 x 2.00 mts
Composición y Foto No. 12 (Composition and
Photograph No. 12), 2007
acrylic and digital photography diptych
1.00 x 2.20 mts
Composición y Foto No. 7 (Composition and
Photograph No. 7), 2007
acrylic and digital photography diptych
0.96 x 1.50 mts
[His most "outstanding" work of art in this exhibition was a "pile of trash"].
Please sign the petition
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